Mission, TX
26.152444, -98.352694
Relocatable-Remote Video Surveillance System (R-RVSS)
Colter Thomas, January 2024

Part of a 3-mile length of a privately funded border wall, constructed by Fisher Industries with financial and political support from We Build the Wall, the Trump-affiliated nonprofit from which Steve Bannon and three others were charged with stealing over a million dollars (Bannon was pardoned by then-President Trump before trial). The We Build the Wall wall, despite being only a few years old, is already decrepit: It is slowly sinking into the Rio Grande; the concrete foundations are cracking (and being filled with cocking); the caps on top of each post are not physically attached in any way and falling off in high winds; etc. The best part is that the wall is only 3 miles long and in front of an already existing section of CBP border wall. Three miles of the "Lamborghini of walls" (as compared to the government's "horse and buggy wall") reportedly cost $20,000,000 - $30,000,000.
Below: 2023 - R-RVSS (after installation)

Below: 2022 (land cleared for visibility, before installation)

Below: 2019 (partial land clearing for the building of the 3 miles of We Build the Wall wall)

Below: 2017 (mostly natural landscape)