San Rafael Valley, AZ
31.35915, -110.30267
Integrated Fixed Tower (IFT)
Colter Thomas, May 2023

Documenting the breadth of security infrastructure along the U.S.-Mexico border has taken us to a wide variety of landscapes, from harsh patches of desert to sandy deltas, from small towns to bustling metropolises, and from residential backyards to public parks, community college campuses, and private ranches. This tower, one of a handful located on the southern foothills of the Huachuca Mountains in Cochise County, Arizona, is a monument to the lengths that proponents of U.S. border policing have been willing to go to construct a system of surveillance stretching across a nearly 2,000-mile border, and to the social and environmental costs of this endeavor.

Below: 2023 - IFT (after installation, known to be sometime before 2017)

Below: 2015 (Site cleared in 2014)

Below: 2013 (before site clearing)